I'm sorry I haven't been active here in a while, but I'd like to do something during the quarantine besides chores. Since it's June, and Sonic's anniversary is coming up, I think this would be a good idea to celebrate it.
Sunday; Hello every one! (Sonic greeting any family and friends you wish.)
Monday; Dance to the Music! ( Sonic can either dance, or play music.)
Tuesday; Make a Wish! (And blow out the candles.)
Wednesday; Decorations. (Setting up balloons, streamers, etc.)
Thursday; Presents! (What Sonic may or may not like. Like a fancy Chilli Dog recipie, or cement shoes.)
Friday; Cake and Ice Cream! ( You can have everyone eat your favorite flavors.)
Saturday; Party On! (Free day, so have the party go on, however you decide.)
To be honest, I may need some help on this...