midniteaira's avatar


Illustrator / Fine Artist
129 Watchers41 Deviations
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Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Professional // Varied
Super Llama: Llamas are awesome! (24)
My Bio

Illustrator / Fine Artist / Graphic Artist / murarist

Favourite Visual Artist
John Singer Sargent, Claude Oscar Monet
Favourite Movies
Forest Gump, Fight Club, I am Legend, Gattaca, Batman: The Dark Knight
Favourite TV Shows
Six Feet Under, Dexter, Fringe, Glee, True Blood, V, 24, Lost, Heroes, Seinfeld, South Park, The Sopranos
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Muse, Queen, Stone Temple Pilot, Soundgarden, Dave Matthews Band, Bill Evans, Miles Davis, Andres Segovia, Avenged Sevenfold, The Almighty, Black Stone Cherry
Favourite Books
Memoirs of a Geisha, The Alienist, Kafka on the Shore, The White Plague, Watery Grave, Christmas Carols, Time Machine, The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Favourite Writers
O. Henry
Other Interests
Arts, Cats, Pencils, Paper, Swimming, Walking, Cooking
Dear my DA friends --"The Pink Cow" -- a fun and exciting cafe that has been giving great opportunities to various artists and musicians -- has kindly allowed me to have my artshow in March.http://www.thepinkcow.comIt will be my first show in Japan, which is a big deal for me. I know most of you are in the States (or Europe), but if you ever have a chance to visit Tokyo, please come by, and have a look at my 10 painting pieces. The show will be held from 3/1 Tue - 3/31 Thu, reception on 3/11 Friday from 7 pm.Thanks!
anonymous's avatar
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Reason to Paint

0 min read
A box of oil painting tools arrived yesterday. I left the majority of tools in the States, and currently live in Tokyo, Japan. I have been telling myself that I would go back to painting once I get back to the States.I have realized something -- I paint and draw not because I like to do it or want to do it, but because I need to do it. My art is my other self, part of myself. I remembered that I had shipped a small box of tools to my parents' house before I left the States, so asked my mother to ship it to where I live now.People often ask me why I draw/paint myself, and I used to tell them --I can't ask my friends to take off clothes, and...
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Profile Comments 53

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Florinachis's avatar
studiobee's avatar
I cannot comment on these individually because it would be the same thing over and over again...I love your work! It is so strong graphically and illustratively that it flows easily through the senses. It deserves to be exhibited in a museum and published in a book!!!! I truly hope both happen so that I might be given the opportunity of seeing the originals and owning the book to view forever! Your art is what art should always aspire to be...it speaks to the soul. Thank you for sharing.
midniteaira's avatar
Thank you very much. I am not very productive at this moment, I need to sharpen my skills and passion, and draw anything every single day. I should make more effort to make something happen. There are so many so talented people.. I don't need to be well-known or rich, but I would like to be painting the day I die.
studiobee's avatar
Now there's the right attitude!
I honestly believe with your talents you WILL go far and be well known. Rich is relative. Just love what you do. The love shows through in your work.
AthenaTT's avatar
Wonderful gallery!
rotrio's avatar
I feel kinda bad for asking, but i was just wondering if you could please donate me some points? You're not inclined to, and I totally understand if you don't want to. Thank you regardless, and have a lovely day