HattieMidnightIullisions on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/midnightiullisions/art/Hattie-761805465MidnightIullisions

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Name: Hattie

Nicknames: Hattie the Battie

Gender: female
Age: 19
Species: hippogriff

Hometown: kingdom of Hippogriffia
Current Residence: temple of serenity, the utopia room


hat maker

portal jumper - World-crossing is the ability to travel between other realms.

Accessories: her hat

Cutie Mark: doesn't have you

Special Talent: she can use her hat to go to different realms with ease


mother: Hera - dead
father: Eros  - dead


Cora Heart
Midnight Illusions


rebellious - showing a desire to resist authority, not easily controlled
passionate - having, showing, or caused by strong feelings
carefree - free from anxiety or responsibility
Batty - mad, insane
inquisitive - having or showing an interest in learning things, curious about the affairs of others
strange - unusual or surprising,  difficult to understand or explain.
quiet - making little or no noise carried out discreetly, secretly, or with moderation


Since Hattie is 19 she stopped growing up so she looks like a kid or a teenager

in the human world Equestria shes the same height of the cutie mark crusaders 

she has a grudge on twilight sparkle after twilight lied to her 

she brought milah back to Cora but she really regrets doing it 

she was nickname Hattie the Battie when she was talking to herself about Hippogriffia and equestria 


when the storm king forces attacked Mount Aris the evacuation for the hippogriffs happened but Hattie's and her parents made it in time to teleport with everyone else as they were the last three to enter the Queen's home as Queen Novo waited for everyone to teleport

she saw Hattie and her parents at the front door stopping any storm king forces from entering but she was surprised that Hera Hattie's mother gave Hattie her a top hat and opening a portal with a magic bean then pushing her daughter through it as the portal closed, Hera and Eros turned to look at their queen as rumble fell on top of them

Hattie fell out of the portal into an unknown world, she didn't recognise the place, to her they looked like ape's walking about but different as she walked a bit to get use to this new form as she read a sign in front of a school saying  "Welcome to Canterlot High"

Hattie did try and use her top hat to get back home but after a week had gone by she confirmed it where she was the land without magic and she even realised more she couldn't go home unless magic came here

base: :iconlorenacarrizo18:
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Paladin360's avatar
Ooh, nice :D and she can stop growing up there? :o and sad her parents dead :c Well at least she has friend ^U^