Request- There are Two WolvesMidnightbatizer on DeviantArt

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Request- There are Two Wolves



Artistic and Request Notes

This was a request I fulfilled for a longtime watcher and user named Pepsiboi160, when I asked for input on what I could draw. This was the result with him requesting for two of his characters to be drawn. The characters consist of Francis(On the left) and Deuwy(On the right). Francis is the more wholesome of the two being more simplified and enjoying simple things such as the winter, log cabins, and ice cream. Meanwhile, Deuwy on the other hand is a tad complex with him having already going through life and dealing with its many nuisances but if there is one joy he has it is vehicles, good ol' trucks, and racing to some degree. These two wolves are essentially polar opposites with their descriptions.

As for the art itself, practice was done again with transparency settings, as  well as for the background and messing with some gradients there. Then after that I just applied my usual Airbrush and Pen shenanigans. It took me a bit longer than I would of liked but it definitely was fun to do. Thank you to Pepsiboi160 for allowing me to draw your characters. With that being said, thank you for reading the description and have a good rest of your afternoon, evening, as well as a good night ya'll. - Midnightbatizer

© 2024 - 2025 Midnightbatizer
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