Hatsune Miku - In Eternal Summer - Picture 2Mideiro on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/mideiro/art/Hatsune-Miku-In-Eternal-Summer-Picture-2-982215455Mideiro

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Hatsune Miku - In Eternal Summer - Picture 2

Character  Hatsune Miku


Hello everyone! I recently started producing music as a hobby and to make the videos more fun to watch, I also got into MMD and did some videos of Miku dancing to her new music. After doing a few of these videos, I realized that you sometimes end up with these very interesting poses, but they don't quite come across in a video. So I thought some of them would make great images that other Miku fans perhaps would be interested in seeing.

In these pictures you can see Miku happily dancing around on her birthday, the last few warm summer days of the season, dreading the winter that will eventually come. But she soon realizes that the memories will always be there and through the power of imagination she can go back there whenever she wants and stay for a little while.

If you want to watch the video/listen to the music, you can find it over here: youtu.be/aB19tqtMGOs

Music, text, video & images by Mideiro.
Model: どっと式初音ミク_ブレス・ユー_ver.2.01 by どっと.
MMD Neon Stage #10 by MikuEvalon.
MMD Rock/Water Stage by MikuEvalon.
Skydome: [MMD] Aura Kingdom skydom DL [pack 18] n103 by witchfrogh and X-Legend.
MirrorWF by Trackdancer.
Water_v5_6_32_64 by ビームマン.
KiraKira_sparkleV2.1 by Chestnutscoop and ビームマン.
AutoLuminous4 by sovoro.
MotionBlur3 by sovoro.
Diffusion7 by sovoro.
Image size
3840x2160px 3.06 MB
© 2023 - 2025 Mideiro
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