2020 sketchdump, part 8 Mibibo on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/mibibo/art/2020-sketchdump-part-8-1120118085Mibibo

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2020 sketchdump, part 8



Seven (Six) Sins

1. Pride, comes in hard, comes in swinging

2. Wrath, an ancient unknown being lurking in the depths of the woods

3. Lust, a type of vampiric mannequin. Retractable tusks instead of fangs. Voluminous dress that takes up more space than necessary. I don't have the best relationship with my libido, fyi.

4. Gluttony, which is just me with shorter hair and a bit more weight. Representative of how I might need more time and patience than most people, but I still have a lot to give on a good day.

5. Envy, scarred scavenger taking discarded pieces others don't want and sowing them to her person. The metaphor isn't quite there, but hey, I like the concept

6. Sloth, unfinished. Supposed to be wearing more of a Victorian nightgown, and performing bloodletting on both of her arms to "cleanse" whatever ails her.

The only sin missing is Greed, which is just supposed to be an old lady filling up the top of an hourglass with gold or blood or something. Guess I didn't find the concept interesting enough to illustrate.

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5180x9137px 8.8 MB
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