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miaki on DeviantArt
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last piece i'm doing for this contest on Gaia.
this was a slight collab with kimi of :ill-wovenelm: she did almost all of the background...i did the waterfall and some details on the background.
anyway, *azalie's character, Ra. Poof! is the name of the story. she's skinning by accident. by the time i realized i made her a bit too skinny it was too late. oh, well, i like it.
Ra (c) *azalie
art (c) miaki!
tools: open canvas
time: noooo idea. a long time
last piece i'm doing for this contest on Gaia.
this was a slight collab with kimi of :ill-wovenelm: she did almost all of the background...i did the waterfall and some details on the background.
anyway, *azalie's character, Ra. Poof! is the name of the story. she's skinning by accident. by the time i realized i made her a bit too skinny it was too late. oh, well, i like it.
Ra (c) *azalie
art (c) miaki!
tools: open canvas
time: noooo idea. a long time
Image size
880x800px 529.9 KB
© 2006 - 2025 miaki
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wow i don't care how skinny it accidentally is it still looks awesome nice work on the person and background, both of you lol ^^