My friend has one. Link ref
No Horny Nega *sprays with hose*
Show me your cute girl
Show me your sexy girl.
Get the hose
My suggestion
Cute girls
Sexy girls
Have you ever considered doing a character ask for your ocs
I've done amongst friends, drawings with my response by yhe point of view of robecca or nega to their comments they sent me. Something like that?
Yeah, but something more akin to the polls. Make a public ask and respond to what people say. It wouldn’t have to be even a drawing. Perhaps responding to comments in character would work too.
I’m not outright asking for this, I’d just like to know about your character’s and figured if this was ever something that crossed your mind.
Here’s an example from someone’s who’s done this before.
I'd have to figure out how to extract the questions, then incorporate my drawing into it. a little harder for me since I mostly do traditional style.
Hey are your commissions open?
I'm always up for paid commissions. Lol.
Note me the details of what you're looking for from me.
Request: Can You Draw Grown Up Version Of Suzie (Camp Lazlo)?