Elvish City TORA Stuff (Back Cover Of Notebook)Meztli72 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/meztli72/art/Elvish-City-TORA-Stuff-Back-Cover-Of-Notebook-1094736844Meztli72

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Elvish City TORA Stuff (Back Cover Of Notebook)



Back cover, inner side, of a notebook I possess where I'm currently writing "Tora" stuff using charcoal pencils and ballpoint pens!!

What's "Tora"? Tora (虎, 虎語 (tora-go), "tiger" in Japanese) is a fictional toy-esque language created by me in February 2024 as a parody of Japanese language where most vocabulary comes from Quenya, another fictional language:





This time, I'm basically repeating some info from this sketch map:






It's a fictional super-hyper-giant mega-city called "Elvish City" or kuendennä opala = KUENDEゃOPALA, kuendennä-to = KUENDEゃ都 in Tora, composed by 9 super mega cities (osto = ) as well:

Central Business District, downtown = CBD, undösuto, enetia karaitîe taranna = CBD, UNDOSUTO, 中心業務地区

Neo Tokyo = neo tökiö-osto = NEO東京市, NT市

Neo Rivendell = neo arkimbele-osto = NEO割目深谷市, NEOARKINBELE市, NR市

Liquidambar = kaedenisimalda-osto = 楓香木市

Neo Minas Tirith = neo tiristemindon-osto = NEO守護塔市, NEOTIRISTEMINDON市, NMT市

Swallow = tuilindo-osto = 燕市

Clover = neldelässe-osto = 三葉草市

Valinor = balinör-osto = BALINO一R市

Eärendil = eärendil-osto = 海恋人市, EARENDIL市

"M.A." means "Metropolitan Area" or to = 都, tostomëna = 都市圏 in Tora.

The small kanji 巨 located at the small map means the Giant Woods or Giant Forest Park: xäura taurë köen or xäura mori köen = 巨大森公園, located half-way between Liquidambar and Neo Minas Tirith. It's a super giant park based on one I created in 1993 when I was a young teenager!

For more details, please visit the link above where sketch map preview is located.

In this sample text there's Tengwar script together with the Japanese-like Tora script (Tora "kana" plus Chinese characters or kanji), featuring the "Tora mode" writing style. Perhaps not orthodox one, but who cares. Also, something new: me, as a character (a special type of hobbit = perian = PERIAN !) living in that monster-size city of the size of a small country, I possess a fictional address there:

34, Taniquelassë Street; Traveller Star Town (or commune), Central Business District City, Ubuntumori Prefecture, Elvish City

Or in Tora:

34, tanikuelässe male, edelo elen-chö, CBD, ubuntumori-ken, kuendennä-to

34, 高白峰葉木道, 旅行者星町, 中心業務地区, UBUNTU森県, KUENDEゃ都


34, 高白峰葉木道, 旅行者星町, CBD, UBUNTU森県, KUENDEゃ都



34, tanikuelässe male, edelo elen-chö, undösuto, ubuntumori-ken, kuendennä-to

34, 高白峰葉木道, 旅行者星町, UNDOSUTO市, UBUNTU森県, KUENDEゃ都


34, tanikuelässe male, edelo elen-chö, enetia karaitîe taranna, ubuntumori-ken, kuendennä-to

34, 高白峰葉木道, 旅行者星町, 中心業務地区, UBUNTU森県, KUENDEゃ都

or even:

34, TANIKUELA一SSE道, 旅行者星町, 中心業務地区, UBUNTU森県, KUENDEゃ都


A taniquelassë is a fictional tree invented by J.R.R. Tolkien, the inventor of Quenya language and Tengwar script.

What kind of "hobbit" am I? Well, I look exactly like a human person: it's a special kind of "hobbit" only found here: all hobbits look like humans. But there are Tolkien's hobbits living there as well. But surely I possess some nice differences (something not detailed yet, I'm a busy person).

Tora samples are located here:



TORA Sample Text In Tengwar Script
Rianna (Quenya Poem In TORA)
Handmade ''Tora'' Sample Text (Updated Script)
Oilima Markirya (Quenya Poem In TORA)
TORA Sample Text (Quenya Texts)
Nieninque Poem in TORA
TORA Sample Text 2 (The Evolution)
TORA Sample Text (The Evolution)
Does Kondo Mean Prince? (TORA Dialogs) [NO AI]
TORA Sample Texts 01 (ALL SCRIPTS)
TORA Sample Texts 02 (ALL SCRIPTS)
Full Table Of Scripts For My ''Tora'' Language
Namarie poem in TORA [Digital, FRAGMENT]
TORA Sample Text (Fluent Handwriting)
In The Year 3000 + Sample Text (TORA Language)
TORA Sample Text (Misc)
TORA Advanced Grammar Snippets: KOTODES
TORA Sample Text (Tora Katakana)
Kana+Kanji+Latin+Tengwar For TORA (UPDATED)



How does Elvish City look?? Perhaps something like this, at urban zones:



Cartoon City in Future



Also Tora is now featured at conlang.fandom.com! :


Here's a screenshot:



My TORA Language At FANDOM.ORG (Web Screenshot)



Credits: me!


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