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Back cover, inner side, of a notebook I possess where I'm currently writing "Tora" stuff using charcoal pencils and ballpoint pens!!
What's "Tora"? Tora (虎, 虎語 (tora-go), "tiger" in Japanese) is a fictional toy-esque language created by me in February 2024 as a parody of Japanese language where most vocabulary comes from Quenya, another fictional language:
This time, I'm basically repeating some info from this sketch map:
It's a fictional super-hyper-giant mega-city called "Elvish City" or kuendennä opala = KUENDEゃOPALA, kuendennä-to = KUENDEゃ都 in Tora, composed by 9 super mega cities (osto = 市) as well:
Central Business District, downtown = CBD, undösuto, enetia karaitîe taranna = CBD, UNDOSUTO, 中心業務地区
Neo Tokyo = neo tökiö-osto = NEO東京市, NT市
Neo Rivendell = neo arkimbele-osto = NEO割目深谷市, NEOARKINBELE市, NR市
Liquidambar = kaedenisimalda-osto = 楓香木市
Neo Minas Tirith = neo tiristemindon-osto = NEO守護塔市, NEOTIRISTEMINDON市, NMT市
Swallow = tuilindo-osto = 燕市
Clover = neldelässe-osto = 三葉草市
Valinor = balinör-osto = BALINO一R市
Eärendil = eärendil-osto = 海恋人市, EARENDIL市
"M.A." means "Metropolitan Area" or to = 都, tostomëna = 都市圏 in Tora.
The small kanji 巨 located at the small map means the Giant Woods or Giant Forest Park: xäura taurë köen or xäura mori köen = 巨大森公園, located half-way between Liquidambar and Neo Minas Tirith. It's a super giant park based on one I created in 1993 when I was a young teenager!
For more details, please visit the link above where sketch map preview is located.
In this sample text there's Tengwar script together with the Japanese-like Tora script (Tora "kana" plus Chinese characters or kanji), featuring the "Tora mode" writing style. Perhaps not orthodox one, but who cares. Also, something new: me, as a character (a special type of hobbit = perian = PERIAN !) living in that monster-size city of the size of a small country, I possess a fictional address there:
34, Taniquelassë Street; Traveller Star Town (or commune), Central Business District City, Ubuntumori Prefecture, Elvish City
Or in Tora:
34, tanikuelässe male, edelo elen-chö, CBD, ubuntumori-ken, kuendennä-to
34, 高白峰葉木道, 旅行者星町, 中心業務地区, UBUNTU森県, KUENDEゃ都
34, 高白峰葉木道, 旅行者星町, CBD, UBUNTU森県, KUENDEゃ都
34, tanikuelässe male, edelo elen-chö, undösuto, ubuntumori-ken, kuendennä-to
34, 高白峰葉木道, 旅行者星町, UNDOSUTO市, UBUNTU森県, KUENDEゃ都
34, tanikuelässe male, edelo elen-chö, enetia karaitîe taranna, ubuntumori-ken, kuendennä-to
34, 高白峰葉木道, 旅行者星町, 中心業務地区, UBUNTU森県, KUENDEゃ都
or even:
34, TANIKUELA一SSE道, 旅行者星町, 中心業務地区, UBUNTU森県, KUENDEゃ都
A taniquelassë is a fictional tree invented by J.R.R. Tolkien, the inventor of Quenya language and Tengwar script.
What kind of "hobbit" am I? Well, I look exactly like a human person: it's a special kind of "hobbit" only found here: all hobbits look like humans. But there are Tolkien's hobbits living there as well. But surely I possess some nice differences (something not detailed yet, I'm a busy person).
Tora samples are located here:
How does Elvish City look?? Perhaps something like this, at urban zones:
Also Tora is now featured at! :
Here's a screenshot:
Credits: me!