Just Let Me ImagineMewKwota on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/mewkwota/art/Just-Let-Me-Imagine-683210234MewKwota

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Just Let Me Imagine



"But, Alm... Remember, he's just a baby. Let's not place so huge an expectation on him just yet."
"I bet he can smash bricks, look at his little muscles!"

Eheh~ Not a current-time scenario or anything, but something I kinda wanted to play on for a long while! :dummy:

Anywho, it isn't really clear as to whether or not Walhart is a direct descendant, if at all related, to Alm. Even being the Emperor of Valm, a.k.a.: futuristic Valentia, the throne could have possibly be taken up by someone outside of the lineage at one point. I mean, Awakening admittedly has very off writing every so often, and their references are usually just open references with a few holes here-n-there. But honestly, I'd just like to think that he is Alm's descendant, because the interpretation is up for grabs, and I just love the concept of family. :heart:

And, ahh... I guess I wanted to draw a baby Walhart for no reason. Well, maybe there's a reason?
I couldn't think of anything to good-n-solid that I could draw in the case of Alm and Walhart interacting at his current age. And the idea of drawing a super-buff baby who will grow to be a scary Conqueror sounded too good, so I felt, "Why not make some scenarios when Alm and Celice first met their bab-bab descendant?"

Maybe someday I could consider a good idea between normal Walhart and his granddad, maybe they'll just smash bricks together, who knows? ( ` v`);
Until then, enjoy the big-buff baby Walhart, cherish him.
Uhh, also! Even though I'm still drawing Alm-n-Celica, please don't drop Echoes spoilers on me, I still don't have the game. Thanks so much for understanding!!

Please do not use without my permission!

Walhart, Celica & Alm (c) Nintendo
Art (c) MewKwota
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2126x1264px 510.43 KB
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Supersonicstyleboy's avatar
Thanks Alm!
Because of you, I lost Morgan