Kuidaore pen sketch 1mewheniyou on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/mewheniyou/art/Kuidaore-pen-sketch-1-942878464mewheniyou

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Kuidaore pen sketch 1



Kuidaore is a long haired demon who eats people for mainly fun. His nickname is Kuidaore cuz he'll eat up as many humans possible until he grows tired. Tales of Kuidaore say that to avoid being eaten, the people of the village will gather to make and give food for the demon. If they fail to appease his appetite, which they always do, he'll release terror on the village, picking apart anyone in his way until he grows tired, which he'll then eat only the children and leave the remaining villagers for later. Sometimes if a village is too small he'll simply walk past it. He can be spotted riding on his black boar travelling from village to village. 
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350x617px 62.18 KB
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