Favourite Movies
Harry Potter, Kingsmen, Doctor Strange, Pitch Perfect ...
Favourite TV Shows
Friends, Scrubs, Gilmore Girls, OITNB
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Mumford and Sons, The Baseballs, Bastille, Bear's Den, Rise Against, The Wind and the Wave, Radical Face, Pendulum, The Glitch Mob, Of Monsters And Men, Louden Swain, Jadea Kelly, Florenca + The Machine, The Civil Wars
Favourite Books
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, The Complete Calvin & Hobbes Collection, The Pillars of the Earth,
Favourite Writers
Richelle Mead, Joanne K. Rowling, Ken Follett
Favourite Games
God of War, The Witcher 3, Crash Bandicoot 3
Favourite Gaming Platform
Playststation, duh!