[ Canon HardInk ] MokuMettalicc on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/mettalicc/art/Canon-HardInk-Moku-1067312888Mettalicc

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[ Canon HardInk ] Moku



Sup hehe
M0k gave us hardink ownership, so here is finally

HardInk Sans:

-His name would be “Mokutan” or just “Moku” for short (“Charcoal” in Japanese)

-He originated from an Hardtale AU that got abandoned due to its creator passing away

-His new “soul” is a small flame that needs constant fuel to keep going, because of this he needs to eat fuel of any kind to avoid burning out

-Loves and protects AUs, the cooler they are the better

-Outgoing and extroverted, maybe at times bit too much

-The necklace around his neck represents his soul

-Eats things from coal to wood and gas, if he eats certain chemicals his soul also changes colour

-The more fuel he has, the brighter his flame glows and the more energetic he gets

-When he gets excited or angry the charcoal on his hands and his hood light up, turning him into a living fire hazard

-Can turn his whole body into ash to travel around easier

-After discovering what actually happened to his original AU he mourns the death of his creator every day

-Frenemies with Critical (HardError Sans), commonly mocs him for being way too dramatic

-Has cannons that shoot flammable oil along with carbon pencils used as projectiles, keeps them in the pouch around his chest

-Best to keep anything flammable away from him

-Also likes spicy chips

So ye, there is hehe

Undertale By Toby fox
HardTale by ceddrawsnear
Ink!Sans by comyet
HardInk/Moku by me and Daviduzzzzzz
Image size
857x618px 465.71 KB
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hermano cocino 🗣