NO to AI ArtMethusulaComics on DeviantArt

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MethusulaComics's avatar

NO to AI Art


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Given the amount of protest I've seen and the more and more i hear about this, the more i realize that despite the visual appeal that I've sometimes been taken in by, and the numerous prompts it can create and support, AI Art generated by works that are used without permission or actively steal from artist is a deeply troubling and profound usurpation of Human Creativity and expression.

does this mean I'm against the AI Art concept full sale? That has yet to be fully determined for me, but as AI software like mid-journey are now, it feels like one of the situations with technology that is something akin to a 'we were so caught in if we could, we failed to consider if we should' kind of situation.

I think Art is something you- the artist- need to put time and effort into. It doesn't have to be a days or weeks long labor, it doesn't need to be a masterpiece or profound, so long as it's something from your mind, made with your feelings.

letting an algorithm do the art for you, and with stolen resources no less, feels like a step backwards rather than forward. if AI software is updated to include a catalog of willing artist rather and something that allows a human touch, than a free for all of theft, my opinion might change, but for now...

i think this piece speaks for itself.
© 2022 - 2025 MethusulaComics
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Important news regarding AI regulation initiatives.

Concept Art Association (US initiative) has start to ask founds for year 2024. They need our help to regulate AI.

I link here both the projects.

United States project (year 2024)

European project (year 2023-2024)

Last year we got great results, since we were able to obtain the first laws on generative AI by European Union and we have taken the discussion into US Congress.

However, even we were able to start the discussion and start the regulation process, is still important to continue to take our point of view during this process, to make more adapt and just regulation, in order to protects the rights of the artists.