I fight vampires for a living. In my universe Western Germany was conquered by the UK during the War to End All Wars (your World War I). I am the daughter of Hans Mesmer and am heir to his secrets. If you need help with vampires and can afford my fee, let me know.
I have been warmly received for my comments on most artists' pages. I am sad that one artist (that I know of) was unhappy with them. If anyone is unhappy with my comments, I will happily take them down. My apologies to any who feel this way.
I will always honour the wishes of the artists once they make them known to me. I have nothing but love for you all.
In accordance with this feeling I am going to start pruning my collections of deviations without an actual connection to the deviants who post them. I have no way to be absolutely certain of the authenticity of all works, so I will go by my suspicions as evidenced by profiles and comments associated with deviants and their deviations.
Thank you for the Llama!
Thanks for the fav! 😊
You're welcome. Thanks for making me smile.
Thank you. I will do my best.
Just trying to read the amulet.