Rand Al'Thormerriya on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/merriya/art/Rand-Al-Thor-282512842merriya

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merriya's avatar

Rand Al'Thor



A character study of Rand al'Thor from the Wheel of Time books. I've had these books on my shelf for a while, decided I'd start reading them hoping to finish the series by the time the 14th (?)book will be released. That should take some time, considering I've just started the third book and I hear the series tends to 'drag-on' at certain points :D

That Blind Guardian album is to blame as well :/ I had other books to finish before I tackled this.

Anyhow, no spoilers

This was half digital and half traditional, had no idea where to submit it :/
Image size
800x503px 110.29 KB
Shutter Speed
10/300 second
Focal Length
4 mm
ISO Speed
Date Taken
Jan 29, 2011, 12:38:27 PM
© 2012 - 2025 merriya
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Kalandrin's avatar
For those speculating, Robert Jordan wrote books 1 - 11 of The Wheel of Time. Brandon Sanderson was hand-picked by Jordan's wife and editor to complete the series, which was books 12 - 14. Book 14 was released in January 2013. I'm doing my final read of the series - one last hurrah before I find out what happens - and I stumbled across this artwork. Love it, looks like a young Rand, how I picture him in The Eye of the World.

Oh, and the story didn't die with Robert Jordan. Sanderson has completed the series based on the copious notes left by Jordan, and the final scene was written by Robert Jordan himself. So it ends the way it was intended.