Event Two: United We StandMerily36 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/merily36/art/Event-Two-United-We-Stand-453326870Merily36

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Merily36's avatar

Event Two: United We Stand




+14 points to the Nyota Gang

Even though each member of the gang would have been in different places at the time of the birds gathering, this represents how they would have still acted together as a gang, with each other always on their minds.

I wasn't able to include as many members of the gang as I would have liked - originally I was planning to draw every cat of the gang, but with time and also the composition of the piece they weren't all able to fit xD So sorry to those of you whose cats aren't there... :c 

Albus, Cael, Novella, Lysander, Yannik, October, Atlas, Reeve, Isis, Snare, Shrapnel, Seke, and Bright are (c) respective owners

United we stand, divided we fall.

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1030x600px 265.14 KB
© 2014 - 2025 Merily36
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PenumbralWolf's avatar
Seke's just sticking his head into the picture xD Adorable~

I love this ;w; Thanks for adding Seke!