Merillian's avatar


avi by Kth :3
66 Deviations


1 min read
I don't really know if anybody reads it cause I've beedn gone for soo long  xD
anyway thanks  for the almighty support

I'll be at Schoolism Berlin at the lecture of Paul Lasaine, Im very thrilled  and a bit sad that I can only go to one.
I think it's a good year for me to advance a bit and stop being lazy,

so if You know of nay  fun events in Europe let me know.

have  a nice weekend!

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Brother of :iconmegan-uosiu: has made some cool lightboxes! He designed them specially for us :)…

Why RightBox and not some other lightbox:

- It's cheaper
- Way more flat (only 3cm/1.18in)
- Energy efficient thanks to using LED instead of halogen lamp
- Less heat generation

anyway I want one, and I hope some of You can contribute to the project too.

Also- I'm sorry for lack of my stuff here-- I am coming back!Now for real !


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Anyone going?

Actually my awesome  friends  :iconkth: and

who will have a booth there are taking me with them. It's my first European Festival ever so I'm a bit stressed.
It'd be nice if I could take some postcards to sell so I can at least have a cash to pay back for a ticket back home.

If You'd been in such festivals do You have any tips for me?
what to check, who to find, or what to draw or make so it can sell?
I didn't drew anything upworthy lately and I afraid of being bit rusted in the field :A:

Have a nice day.

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I just bought new mechanical pencils and its
dum dum dum dummm
made in Japan.

Do You think now I will draw like artists in Japan??? \O.O/

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Balcon 2013

1 min read
do zobaczenia na miejscu!
będę na pewno krążyć przy stoisku Irugami, sushi i na panelu Przemka i Marcina Surmów!

dużo love<3

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Yo! by Merillian, journal

Want a Lightbox ? by Merillian, journal

Leeds Thought Bubble Festival by Merillian, journal

stupid journal no.1 by Merillian, journal

Balcon 2013 by Merillian, journal