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157 Watchers973 Deviations



Floating Pieces of Past

The wind tickled twelve ears as the sky darkened. They had been riding all day, and Celia could tell even Aitan was feeling tired. She felt it too: the gnawing tug of exhaustion at the back of her eyes. Dabi was resolutely gliding beneath her, yellow wings outstretched to catch as many thermals as she could, and Laila did much the same to her right. Even Ra had settled down against Dabi’s chest. They hadn’t heard him screech in a good hour or so, and Celia presumed he must be asleep. Oh, to be so wrong. Ra wasn’t just awake; he was a thunderclap. She tried to pin all four of her ears back, but it was in vain. Whatever Ra wanted, he was making sure the rest of the crew knew to get it. Laila resolutely ignored the screams while Aitan held his hands over his drooped ears, peeked over at the baby kise, and began to speak. Celia couldn’t hear the words Aitan was saying and flopped over Dabi’s neck. She was resigned to listen to this until it stopped. Thankfully for her, Dabi’s mothering


973 deviations

Floating Pieces of Past

The wind tickled twelve ears as the sky darkened. They had been riding all day, and Celia could tell even Aitan was feeling tired. She felt it too: the gnawing tug of exhaustion at the back of her eyes. Dabi was resolutely gliding beneath her, yellow wings outstretched to catch as many thermals as she could, and Laila did much the same to her right. Even Ra had settled down against Dabi’s chest. They hadn’t heard him screech in a good hour or so, and Celia presumed he must be asleep. Oh, to be so wrong. Ra wasn’t just awake; he was a thunderclap. She tried to pin all four of her ears back, but it was in vain. Whatever Ra wanted, he was making sure the rest of the crew knew to get it. Laila resolutely ignored the screams while Aitan held his hands over his drooped ears, peeked over at the baby kise, and began to speak. Celia couldn’t hear the words Aitan was saying and flopped over Dabi’s neck. She was resigned to listen to this until it stopped. Thankfully for her, Dabi’s mothering


746 deviations
Self Love


95 deviations
Off to The


341 deviations
Ice Cream YCH

YChs, Commissions, and Things

59 deviations
Teeny Petal - Cherumbii Adopt


1 deviation
Medushai Traits


6 deviations
Purple Dragon OTA Cuadibra Adopt


24 deviations
OTA Adopt - Fluttering Dreams


59 deviations


27 deviations
Happy New Year!

Art Trades, Gifts, Requests, and Whatnot

64 deviations


10 deviations
NEW Freya


43 deviations

(WBTT) The Next Day

Hamilton followed dutifully after Killian through the thick woods, his mind trying not to stray back to the memory of her pups’ piercing eyes. When they had walked some distance away from the nest, he asked, “So… what are we hunting today, ma’am?” The prairie snorted and didn’t deign him with a glance. “Bear. They’ll be fattening themselves up right about now; very tasty meals.” Her fangs were sharp when she grinned. “If you’re capable of hunting one, that is.” Hamilton set aside a shiver and puffed himself up. “Of course I am! I am at your command! Tell me everything I need to do, and I’ll do it.” Killian raised a brow at him but said nothing, focusing her attention back to the path ahead. He could tell that this was a well-traveled route that hadn’t been used in quite some time. Because of the pups, perhaps? I wonder if she usually goes after dangerous prey like this. He stepped on a twig, prompting a low growl from his companion, and thought, I wonder if this is some kind of


93 deviations
Self Love


158 deviations


25 deviations

Floating Pieces of Past

The wind tickled twelve ears as the sky darkened. They had been riding all day, and Celia could tell even Aitan was feeling tired. She felt it too: the gnawing tug of exhaustion at the back of her eyes. Dabi was resolutely gliding beneath her, yellow wings outstretched to catch as many thermals as she could, and Laila did much the same to her right. Even Ra had settled down against Dabi’s chest. They hadn’t heard him screech in a good hour or so, and Celia presumed he must be asleep. Oh, to be so wrong. Ra wasn’t just awake; he was a thunderclap. She tried to pin all four of her ears back, but it was in vain. Whatever Ra wanted, he was making sure the rest of the crew knew to get it. Laila resolutely ignored the screams while Aitan held his hands over his drooped ears, peeked over at the baby kise, and began to speak. Celia couldn’t hear the words Aitan was saying and flopped over Dabi’s neck. She was resigned to listen to this until it stopped. Thankfully for her, Dabi’s mothering


259 deviations
Aiko Ref

Sanguinem Cordis Comic References

4 deviations
Monster Prom!

Art from the old team members

60 deviations
Emmerson cheeb


34 deviations