Despair ~ref~MentaLoon on DeviantArt

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MentaLoon's avatar

Despair ~ref~



If you think that I just mixed several unrelated parts in one character, this is true X)

Name: real name: Despair; "human" name: Joe
Species: monster\demon
Gender: male
Abilities: Can contact with souls, People do not understand that he is not a human, does not die of wounds
Has a brother: Dismay ~ref~
They almost never met, but their relationship is very tense, one might even say, hostile.

Character: Quiet and calm, but can be very emotional. He likes to make new friends, but real, close friends, he almost does not have, except as Shrimp. He often has to lie, but he usually does this so that no one will know who he really is...
Biography: It is not known how he and Dismay appeared, but immediately after their "birth" they parted. Dismay became a murderer, while Despair, who realized that he could survive without consuming fresh meat, began to live the lives of people. He works in a coffee shop, because people do not recognize a monster in it.
However, once, after several decades. he met Dismay. He first wanted to draw Despair to his side, but learning that he was very pleased with his work, attacked him and bite off his hand.
After that, they saw only a couple of times

Shrimp: Despair was difficult enough to live with one hand. But once he saw a cat being hit on the road. Using his ability, he summoned her soul to him and made her more material. Now Shrimp is something like his pet, can change shape and most of the time replace Despair's hand.

  • He has an extra mouth on his stomach, but now for some reason there's a big fan. But do not ask why he still does not answer.
  • Unlike Dismay, Despair can live using normal food.
  • Perhaps because of this he is weaker than Dismay and can not create wings.
  • Despair hate his brother and his pet, Nyx. Meanwhile, while the owners do not see, Shrimp meets Nyx.
  • Despair does not tolerate heat at all.
Character belong to me :iconsilverloon:
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Fantia--Skies's avatar
Aaah, I love the idea of the shapeshifitng cat being his arm (and love the name Shrimp <33). Despair has some very nice colors, interesting combination but looks great for sure.