Jack Iohannes TrevelyanMenekah on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/menekah/art/Jack-Iohannes-Trevelyan-728196612Menekah

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Jack Iohannes Trevelyan



Hi! Decided to show you my Dragon Age babies. And my best friend's DA babies, too, because they are inseparable.

Jack is Ivar's brother, raised as a Templar, taught by his father and his brother Ivar to hate all the mages, but in the end, he fell in love with a mage called Liyath. Oh well, the irony. </3 

Ivar found out about Jack's little secret, so Ivar captured Liyath and made him tranquil - erasing his emotions. Jack was watching it, unable to do anything, he was watching how Liyath lost everything he ever felt, not even recognizing his lover anymore. Jack couldn't stand it, the knowledge of how much of a miserable life a tranquil person is leading forcing him to do something terrible. Jack decided to kill Liyath, and so he did. It ruined Jack, though, from this moment nightmares never stopping to haunt him. 

in-game romance: Dorian Pavus

Art: me; please do not use this drawing
Character: he belongs to me - Menekah
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1801x2500px 3.4 MB
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