If you couldnt tell already; I love Butterflies! K, all the things I wanna do :
Go paintballing
go scuba diving
Go overseas
Swim with Sharks!
Swim with dolphins
Get married
Have a baby (one day
Go on a road trip
Get a cobolt blue CAR!
go underneath a waterfall
Sleep under the stars
Live in the wilderness
fall in a pile of snow
Wake up one morning, and spontaniously decide to just go somewhere!
Be Spontanious in everything
Go to the carribeans!
Learn another language
Cuddle a Lion, an Elephant, a Snow Leopard, a Panther
Play with baby versions of those animals above.
Ride an elephant
Kiss a Giraffe
Walk past a famous person and pretend Im not interested at all in who they are and keep walking
Hmmm there is more but I cant think of them right now ...
Current Residence: Australia
deviantWEAR sizing preference: XS
Favourite genre of music: Pop, hip hop, rock
Favourite style of art: All
Operating System: PC
MP3 player of choice: i-pod shuffle actually - good quality
Personal Quote: Be Yourself