bonito español:
Hola! no se si alguien lee esto, pero bueno, soy José, un tipo de ermitaño que dibuja y modela cosas que la mayoría de veces esta relacionado con mi comic que parece que nunca acabo de completar, si te gusta lo que hago, sigueme, eso...
ugly english:
Hello! I do not know if someone read this, but hey, I'm José, a type of hermit who draws and models things that most of the time is related to my comic that I never seem to complete, if you like what I do, follow me, yeah...
Thanks for the llama😀
Thanks for the fave!
Thanks for the fave
Would you be able to do dieselpunk style like wolfenstein or resistance fall of man games for example
I have not done it before but I am sure with the guide it could work out very well! :)
Well how about something like this?,g_1:walker:BD1_ZWNoFZU%3D&prmd=sinxv&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjlisyo2Oz1AhXLU80KHV8WAe4Q4lYoAnoECAEQCA&biw=800&bih=1112#imgrc=sUf2-cIPuMI8cM
yeah i can do that :)