Kuroshitsuji OC - Polkamelisssenpai on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/melisssenpai/art/Kuroshitsuji-OC-Polka-493965123melisssenpai

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Kuroshitsuji OC - Polka



This is the Kuroshitsuji OC my cousin created with the web www.dreamself.me/

Real name: Leos Cermak
Age: 16
Occupation: Accordion player at the Noah's Ark Circus (2nd string member)

- He is very optimistic and dreamer
- Believes in true love
- Admires his older brother and Joker
- Is deadly afraid of Jumbo

He lived in Prague with his parents and his older brother Hyrek. They were rather poor, so when Hyrek turned 16 they two travelled abroad and worked as street artists. He played the accordion (named Sarah btw) that his brother bought for him for his birthday. 
While they were in England they came across the Circus and decided to join.
Given his accordion skills and his origins, Joker named him Polka (hahaha, how original). He played the accordion outside the main ring. One time he played during the main show, but he blocked and totally forgot what he was about to play. 
When the circus dissolved he joined a theatre trope with his brother, and eventually fell in love with a parisian ballerina.

Left - Regular outfit
Right - Scenario outfit (actually only used once poor boy)

His brother Hyrek aka Rabbit

Black Butler (c) Yana Toboso
Polka (c) My cousin
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729x944px 184.04 KB
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