Motu and Patlu wearing PajamasMelissaFrogFan on DeviantArt

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Motu and Patlu wearing Pajamas



I drew Motu and Patlu wearing Pajamas from the episode "Boxer's Baby" from 2016 where Boxer asks Motu and Patlu to babysit his kid. Dr. Jhatka gives them a remote-controllable stroller for the kid, but when the remote lands in the kid's hands, he decides to go on an adventurous ride.

They look so cute! X3

Motu's pajamas are dark magenta and white with samosas plastered all over them.

Patlu's pajamas are turquoise and white with lightbulbs plastered all over them.

This took 2 hours to make this drawing. The reason why is because that I had to drew samosas many times on Motu's pajamas until I got it right. I only drew 16 samosas plastered on them.

And I also had to drew lightbulbs many times on Patlu's pajamas until I got it right again. I only drew 7 lightbulbs plastered on them and I couldn't draw more again.

Sorry if the lightbulbs look weird but it's okay.

And sorry if Patlu's toes and his neck also look weird but it's alright.

For Chickie456 , lunaticfishboy , PurpleFox137 and ChiareyChan .

Motu Patlu © Harvinder Mankkar, Lotpot, Kripa Shankar Bhardwaj, Mayapuri Group, Maya Digital Studios, Viacom18
Drawing © Me

Image size
2023x913px 68.87 KB
© 2023 - 2025 MelissaFrogFan
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Chickie456's avatar

Aw they look super cute X3 really love Patlu's pajamas