Sprigatito reacts to her own Rule 34! MekaylaTV on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/mekaylatv/art/Sprigatito-reacts-to-her-own-Rule-34-1069081056MekaylaTV

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Sprigatito reacts to her own Rule 34!



The day was February 27th, 2022. The eighth generation of Pokémon was coming to a close since it was 3 years old like most other Pokémon generations. With that, the first Pokémon Presents of 2022 featured a new mainline Pokémon game called Pokémon Scarlet and Violet, which sets in the Spain-inspired region called Paldea. In the trailer, we saw 3 new starter Pokémon. Sprigatito, Fuecoco, and Quaxly.

And here's what the Pokémon fans interpreted the starters as. Quaxly resembled Donald Duck due to the design, Fuecoco resembled an Among Us character and was the most admired of the 3 starter Pokémon, and Sprigatito... well, let's just say it didn't go well for her.

While some Pokémon fans saw her as a "weed" cat due to her pattern on her face, others were afraid that Sprigatito was gonna have an anthropomorphic evolution like most other starters. The combination of a feminine design as well as a fear of a "furry" Pokémon has resulted in tons of Rule 34 fan art out of Sprigatito appearing on the internet during the first hours after the Pokémon Presents.

To make matters worse, when the final evolution of Sprigatito, Meowscarada was revealed when the games came out, the final evolution was actually bipedal rather than quadrupedal. This sadly didn't stop Pokémon fans from ruining Sprigatito and her evolution line!

This problem got so outta hand that even the Mekayla TV Sprigatito seems to be disgusted, terrified, and pissed all at the same time just from looking at the Rule 34 stuff of her!

The internet can be an extremely dangerous place especially for Pokémon, GameFreak needs to be careful with their Pokémon designs so that they won't be so easy to s**ualize!

Also, no credit to whoever made that AI-generated Sprigatito art, BTW.
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kakashidragon's avatar

Just saw this, and i for a fact put a "Mature" tag on my arts. If there not, then its DA being dumb.