First off, I can't draw. At all. My best efforts at drawing anything by hand are embarrassing, to say the least. But what I can do, I think I do pretty well, which is using mouse, keyboard, and Photoshop to redraw/combine photos, screenshots, and/or fanart in the style of Rapunzel's Tangled Adventures, inserting Tangled characters in place of whoever was there originally.
Due to Covid-19 lockdowns, I was out of work for a while and had lots of time on my hands. Watching/rewatching various shows, I thought that Tangled might be something I could parody, the 2D art style and cell-like shading holding promise for even a novice like me (while I had dabbled with Photoshop in the past, I only really started trying to make stuff in July 2020). While my own personal 'style' is not quite identical to the show (all of my characters have outlines, for example), if anyone sees my work and genuinely wonders if it came from the show or if it was official art, then I feel I have succeeded.
Before you ask, I don't do commissions. And I don't really do requests either. I have lots of ideas and little time; this is just one of several hobbies. However, if you make a suggestion that I happen to like, I'll probably add it to the queue. There's no set schedule for any releases, thought I do try to make one image a week. But so long as I can find the time and motivation, I'll keep on making fanart; some suitable for most everyone (like 'At The Beach'), some for mature audiences (like 'Enjoying the View'), and a small set of variants that can't be hosted here on DeviantArt outside of a paywall, which I won't do (nothing violent or depraved, just...uncensored). Those images are over on X, Pixiv and (same username).
(It should go without saying, but I do not own any of these characters, they fall under fair use, and all of them are 18+)
Will there be a story or art piece that shows Kristoff getting Anna and Elsa pregnant?
I'm amending my earlier statement. I now am planning one. I don't know when it'll be finished, but I have an outline for a story, plus ideas for a few images to go with it.
I'm not planning on one. It's possible, but don't wait for it.
Do you think you'd consider a Tangled sleepover pic with Rapunzel and many of her friends along with her mother and aunt pregnant?
Nope. I've already done a big group sleeping picture and have no intentions of doing another, especially when I have lots of other ideas I'd rather make in the limited time I have.
Would you be interested in a diamond badge/core membership?
I've been gifted diamond badges before, so sure.