..::FBTW: The Crowns::..Megan-Uosiu on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/megan-uosiu/art/FBTW-The-Crowns-85546338Megan-Uosiu

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..::FBTW: The Crowns::..



HBD, Yume! <3 :hug: :hug: :hug:

Finished! AT LAST!! @__@ That was a big surprise that I came out with the background too...! Oo I was going to make it plain blue - it has been just today that I've changed my mind...
But on the other hand - I 've simplified the patterns... xDDD

Okay, I know this sucks, my brother already told me that... D:' Poses are just strange, the northern crown slips off, and it all could just have been better.
Anyway I wanted to put it into my DA gallery, because it's been so empty downe here for, like, ages...! @w@
So I hope you will enjoy it just a bit! ^^=
:hug: Luv you, guys! ^3^ :heart:

Time: Doh, whatever... O_o''' Perhaps... 6-... 8h? >_>' More...? D: No way... xD
Media: Photoshop 7.0 :heart:

Art (c) me.
Corona Austrina, Corona Borealis (c) :iconyumehayla:.
FBTW (c) *Razuri-chan
Image size
673x839px 139.3 KB
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