Husky donation commissionmegan-huang on DeviantArt

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megan-huang's avatar

Husky donation commission



8th commission for the humane society complete! A pet commission of a regal husky for a family friend.

What the commission is for...

Basically my local pet rescue is struggling, especially due to covid. Donate a minimum of $30 CAD (that's only 23 USD!) by December 31st and send me a picture of your receipt, for a full color digital character bust commission based on any fandom (or furry family member) of your choosing. One character per donation. No oc's or for commercial use characters at this time please, as those will be accepted via regular commissions vs donations.

Send receipts to me via DMs or email: megan_huang5(at)hotmail(dot)com. Any artists who would like to take part and lend a hand, please DM me or email me.

Share this post if you care! Don't if you don't!
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