Alwen - Personal Life 1MegaMaeve on DeviantArt

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Alwen - Personal Life 1



Alternative title: Human LinkedIN

A quick doodle for the Personal Life task for :iconoc-training:, depicting several of the prompts:

- Team role: Alwen is the spider in a growing web of contacts. He likes hanging out with people, and he mixes well with plenty of groups - he knows when to listen, when to talk, and when to crack a joke. He's a smooth talker, and he can make people feel like they're the most important people in the world. It's a skill he's honing well.

- Eating habits: Al likes food - he'll eat anything, but he likes sweet, baked goods best. At this point in time, he's got a taste for sweetbread - and he likes sharing it with others, too. 
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2469x3492px 11.7 MB
© 2022 - 2025 MegaMaeve
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Kitty-Craftsy's avatar

haha I stil can hear my own created texst of this one xD

Especially the meat..'here you have a meat on a stick, I totaly did not steal it!'

But nice work on this one. Told you this before. It's cool to see these small drawings of Alwin doing what he is good at c: