Meek has a tendency to lose messages and notes, if you sent something important don't be afraid to remind me or to re- send it.
Meek does not appreciate beggars.
Meek's friends get free art gifts sometimes, because Meek wants to give them nice stuff, and she will do this when she feels like it. Not because they demand or have the right to demand or get free art
Meek is a busy girl, she has a life and she is a college student, she also likes to have time to write for herself. If she could afford to and had the time to, or if she really was some sort of writing machine that can fart 5 pieces per second... and she actually kind of wishes she was, she would definitely go around giving everyone cool gifts. But unfortunately and for the time being she isn't, but who knows how far science will take us.
Be nice to the Meek and the Meek will be nice to you.
Meek loves gift-art.
Meek feels deeply flattered when people draw or write her stuff about her characters, you don't have to ask for permission but she'd definitely love to see it.
Meek likes dark chocolate, kittens and porn.
Telling Meek her work makes you want to give up on yours, is not a compliment, it makes her uncomfortable.
Meek holds grudges forever. She might forgive but she never forgets.
Meek likes cock.
Meek swears like a sailor.
Meek likes well thought constructive criticism. Tell her why you think something is wrong and how to improve or fix it. Tell her where she went wrong and also tell her the things you like.
Meek and pretty much everyone has the right to take or reject critique politely.
Meek randomly stalks her watchers and fans. She's a creep.
Meek likes to squeeze her boobs when nobody's looking and she sings in the shower.
Meek hates people.
Meek hates lots of things.
Meek is no slave to canon, but that doesn't mean she never likes canon ships.
Meek does not give fake compliments, ever, she will compliment you when she really things you've outdone yourself.
Meek is fluent in English and sarcasm, she is kind of an asshole.
Meek doesn't care if you don't like her, so she definitely doesn't need you to let her know, actually she probably already knows and she hates you back.
Meek is pro-LGBT, she loves her gay buddies and she herself is bi-sexual
Meek is pregnant and can be utterly hormonal and not realize she is being a complete psycho…let her know if you feel she needs to calm down.
Meek writes what she wants.
Meek is not afraid to change her mind and take her words back.
Meek is awkward around strangers, she's fucking insane around her buddies and her waifu.
Meek is afraid of heights but she's stupid so she still gets up on high places even though she knows she will get dizzy.
Meek overreacts sometimes and she apologizes in advance. She has a bad temper and sometimes she can't help it.
Meek is human.
Current Residence: Illinois
deviantWEAR sizing preference: Medium
Favourite genre of music: country
MP3 player of choice: Ipod
Wallpaper of choice: Any Slash
Skin of choice: The one I am in...or an anime character xD
Favourite cartoon character: too many
Personal Quote: "No matter what happens, we'll get through it!"
Other (comment what please!)