MechaziliaRepublic's avatar


Politics are in our claws..
Years Ago
10 Members8 Watchers
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Comments 11

anonymous's avatar
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PhantomSeadreamer's avatar
Oof the discord link is invalid
I really like these by the way!
phobiod's avatar
I can't submit stuff
WaronAnarchy's avatar
It should be fixed now.
seafang13's avatar
These guys are super cool!
xXTrainClawsXx's avatar
Thanks! You can even create hybrids if you wish for free!
seafang13's avatar
Okay! I just gotta finish reading the lore first 
xXTrainClawsXx's avatar
Yea its fine! Im sorry if its incomplete! Its still WIP and I gotta add more stuff..but hope that runs you with information  decently!