So, recently there has been this little rumour going around that the world is ending for good in 2012. An act of God, the sun thinking it would be fun to burn the hell out of Earth, the government playing ricks specifically meant for your psychological torture again, or the obvious, an alien war brigade that knows we know too much about them... hell, no-one knows for sure. All we know is that the Mayans knew we are all going to be flopping around in deep shit in December 2012. Therefore to ease your overwhelming stress, we here at the Department of Science Fiction and the Geeks Who Love It, would like to offer you some cheery advice; if said day comes along and by chance you see a lovely little blue British police box, you can take comfort in knowing your ass is saved.
Waiting for that little blue box that's bigger on the inside.
Current Residence: Scotland
Favourite genre of music: Jazz
Favourite photographer:
Favourite style of art: Drawing
Operating System: Vista
Wallpaper of choice: Coral
Skin of choice: Cosmic Blue