Whow... Can't believe I haven't written anything here for such a long time. I also rarely posted any art here in this time...
Hey guys n gals!!Hope some of you missed me.
I really had much on my mind... studiing, Karate, girls n all that

It's not that I didn't draw or paint anything but the majority of what I scribble these days is not worth bein' uploaded to dA... and I just don't find the time.
I'm pretty busy workin' with Michael

on current project since I have to catch up to him to make the progress run.
Our current project we set the base for round one year ago is the movie "Kwendolin".
In close future you'll find information also in English about the plot, and progress as just as some renderpreviews and sketches here:
www.Kwendolin-derFilm.deAtm we got many things to do at once since we're tryin' to make the ball rolling and start our own business...
Keep it up!!
the Max
incred!bleART Studios:
www.incredibleART-Studios.comMichael Dominc Sauer:
www.ArtWork-Production.deMaximilian Büchler: