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I'v been in DA for almost a decade now and I'v been loosing interest with the website lately. Don't get me wrong I do enjoy meeting people, skimming through beautiful artwork, and growing my work with like minded individuals. I'll always come back to the website for those reasons. However, I feel there's always drama and toxicity within the community. Of course, every community has these sort of issues and luckily I'v not encounter such a situation yet. What am mostly focusing is the disconnect I'm feeling about DA and maybe un-relevant they're getting because of this disconnect. It's somewhat hard to explain. To put it out there I'm NOT leaving DA. I'm simply asking if anyone been feeling the same way about the website and maybe social media might be part of this conflicting thoughts. In anyway I don't think DA will shut down any time soon. An observation that would be nice to share and discuss. What do you guys think? Share your thoughts down below. I would love to read what you have to say.
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