MaximLardinois's avatar


call me MAX BLAZER
768 Watchers150 Deviations

Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Hobbyist // Digital Art
  • June 8
  • Netherlands
  • Deviant for 19 years
  • He / Him
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Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (116)
Delicious Cake: My, that's a delicious cake (1)
Snowball: Someone likes you, and it’s snow joke! (1)
Bronze Fragment: If this was the Olympics, you’d have made the podium!
My Bio

Netherlands based Frenchman that draws comics and video game stuff.

'Art is not a mirror in which the world is reflected, it's an ak-47 with which you revolutionize it.'

Favourite Visual Artist
Tsutomu Nihei, Moebius, Ashley Wood, Mike Mignola and you!
Favourite Movies
Nosferatu: A symphony of terror, Oldboy, The Outlaw Josey Wales
Favourite Games
Deadly premonition, Dark souls, Borderlands, Castlevania
Favourite Gaming Platform
PS2, PS4, NES, Nintendo DS, Nintendo Switch
Tools of the Trade
pencils and photoshop
Other Interests
Westerns, sci-fi, music and, of course, art


0 min read
tagged by the illustrious :iconteryster:, so here goes!!!!!!111!!! FACTS:1. I get laughed out of shoe stores because my size is just one unit smaller than the typical, giant, BORING men's shoe sizes.2. My favourite foods usually have red sauce.3. I hardly ever finish video games. I usually max out my characters and equipment just before the end and then I lose interest.4. I love looking at airsoft stuff and dressing up in them tactical gears but I'm too much of a timid coward to play seriously.5. I was born 32 years ago, but I always just say I'm 23 and people buy it!6. Sometimes I grow a beard so I can shave it off and instantly look 10 y...
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How is everyone! Good, hopefully! Following up on my previous journal post, here's an update (should you be wondering haha)  Looks like things'll be a ghost town on this here account for a while. I've taken the leap to getting a night shift job stacking boxes in a warehouse leaving me with next to no time for drawing stuff. I'll be putting all the hours I'm not sleeping/working/sleeping after getting home into working on AMP: Year One . I'll also be translating and uploading my comic OTFS over the next few weeks so that's also super cool!On ...
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'Sup fellow deviants! Hopefully everyone's keeping up with their projects and work! Me, I've taken the leap to stop stacking boxes in a warehouse and to start putting my talents to work as an illustrator. While it's an awesome dream to do what we as artists love and get paid for it, the reality is that unless you're REALLY lucky and well connected breaking into the scene is a slow and difficult process. I'm facing a very insecure financial future and it's stressing me out. I don't like to come asking, and I'm not. I've come offering! I want to work for you! Whether it's personal commissions or you know/have a studio that need an awesome ve...
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MethusulaComics's avatar
QueenCordite's avatar
Thank you for the watch! :D
Reddleadr's avatar
Hey long time no see, Happy birthday man.  Hope life ain't rippin you a new one like it has me lol
EbolaSparkleBear's avatar
Your art is amazing
TheFancyTunaFish's avatar
MaximLardinois's avatar
AAAAAAAAAH, I'm so inconsiderate for being away so long! P-please forgive me! 
Thank you so much :) Glorious birthdayings were had!