Saturnalia tupiniquimMaurissauro on DeviantArt

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Saturnalia tupiniquim



If you would like to use these skeletons as a reference, feel free to do it, just let me know and cite me if possible. If you want to use these skeletons or silhouettes to something else, please ask for permission.

Saturnalia tupiniquim
was, for almost a decade, the only known Carnian basal sauropodomorph. Though nowadays the number of Carnian basal sauropodomorphs species recognized is almost 10! The animal would be kinda small (most specimen are around c. 1.6 meters long, but an undescribed specimen could reach c. 2 meters long).

It was discovered on the Upper Triassic rocks of southern Brazil (Santa Maria city, Rio Grande do Sul state), in the "Cerro da Alemoa" site, which is also known as "Sanga do Mato" site or even "Waldsanga" site, part of the "Alemoa" complex of outcrops. Saturnalia comes from the upper portion of the Santa Maria Formation (lower portion of the Candelária Sequence), and the spot where it was unearthed was radiositopically dated as ~233 Ma, Carnian stage of the Late Triassic.

Saturnalia is, for now, based on three partially complete specimens, which together depict almost all of the skeleton. 

Known skeletal remains are depicted in white and unknown in gray. Eoraptor, Pampadromaeus and Buriolestes were used to reconstruct missing portions of Saturnalia's skeleton.

EDIT (17/06/2020)
  • Overhauled the skeleton and skull. Now I'm depicting all type-specimens combined AND separated. Herein, whenever the specimens presented overlaping elements, I chose to depict the holotype's for obvious reasons. The skull is slightly different from that of the description paper, however it is still a bit shorter than in other Carnian sauropodomorphs (such as Buriolestes and Eoraptor), though I'm not totally convinced that it was as short as it was estimated. Interestingly, the holotype seems to represent a robust morph, whereas the paratypes are more gracile. 

                            Saturnalia tupiniquim Langer et al., 1999
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