Random doodles and marker practice 8mattwilson83 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/mattwilson83/art/Random-doodles-and-marker-practice-8-330242516mattwilson83

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Random doodles and marker practice 8



Doodles galour on this one ^^

THe NaruHina doodle s sort of a teaser for my Halloween comic I am doing. Last year I did Hinata as a witch. But this year, Naruto is going as Goku, so Hinata must figure out who she will go with.

THere is also DJHermos OC Rouge daydreaming about his wife, Tia.

THen, there is my OC, KungFu Bunny in his most recent incarnation ^^

THe girl, is another OC, called July. A character created by a friend of mine, Who I have permission to use in an original comic based on some films,, and a comic we did back in college XD this was in 2000-2001. Hopefully, more info on that later :)

and finally, I had some space left over so, who else but Batman went there, and why? Cuz he's awesome, and why is he? Cuz, he's batman!

Now... what characters to draw next... :)
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1550x1540px 1.04 MB
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SketchyEchiEddie's avatar
Why not make another of these with that Radic & Yoyu person?