Even gentles need to vent.MattMacroPika on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/mattmacropika/art/Even-gentles-need-to-vent-480342985MattMacroPika

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MattMacroPika's avatar

Even gentles need to vent.



It's true I may a gentle giant, but there are times even times when even I need to vent my anger in a destructive manner, and when that happens, you'd better watch out.

Here I am in my renamon form (it's been a while since I was in this form), going on a destructive Godzilla-ish style rampage in San Fran, after losing a pre-release Smash bros. tournament, and as such, I go and smash everything in the city.

But fear not, even though I'm wearing any of Vito's special gear, I can still fix up the city and bring anyone I killed back to life in a snap, so the people don't get angry and go all Gulliver's Travels on me. I don't want my rep going bad.

Just remember that if you see me crushing and smashing everything I can reach, run run run.

Art by :iconmaxime-jeanne:
Original submission: utopiarayzexal.deviantart.com/…
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