11,000 BC - Atlantean map of the known worldmate888 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/mate888/art/11-000-BC-Atlantean-map-of-the-known-world-1152805676mate888

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11,000 BC - Atlantean map of the known world



While the Atlantean cartographic tradition is one of the most advanced in the world (second only to that of the long-anihilated Lemurians), greatly accurate maps of local areas are quite a different beast to maps meant to depict the entirety of the globe. As with many ancient peoples, the Adrari maps are designed not as navigation tools but as illustrative objects meant to show both their knowledge of the world and their own grand, central part in it.

The map is distorted to present Atlantis as the center of the world, oriented in a way that puts most of its far-flung colonies appear beneath the island itself. The Eye, the capital of the great empire, is itself enlarged and detailed with white and red. Some misconceptions on the map might be intentional, like the depiction of the island of Orish, homeland of a rival empire, as significantly smaller than Atlantis, when in truth it's almost twice its side. Other misconceptions can be attributed to cultural beliefs or the lack of knowledge of foreign lands. The idea of a sea surrounding all of the world's landmasses is popular in the Atlantean worldview, a final ocean for the Adrari to sail once they reach it through conquest and exploration.

The idea of a star-sea is also present in Adrari religion, both the old polytheistic pantheon and the new monotheistic cult promoted by emperor OZYMANDIAS. The ruling caste of Atlantis itself are called the Star-Born and claim descent from divine beings originating from that dark sea, or even from the heavenly sphere of Ideen, known also as the Red Waste.

Atlantean colonies are marked with brighter, larger lettering, while small gray names are reserved for foreign lands.

For reference, here's an actual map of Atlantis and neighboring lands.

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© 2025 mate888
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