[Stygians] Salting the Earth Doesn't Always Work
[QUEST: G-006
WORDS: 1,003]
What a wonderful day to do literally anything else than garden! While Rico adored every aspect of the Fishbowl and how it twisted nature into new and improved shapes, she couldn't say hoof on heart that the tide pools were her favorite place to be. I mean, they existed. And you could grow stuff in them. Very boring stuff most of the time, though, unless there was something exciting going on like the potential erasure of yourself across the multiverse. Sigh.
As the queen of the Fishbowl, DJ Ricochet was first and foremost loyal to her citizens (better known as every single daydream that wandered in and got adopted by her). Their crops, however? Nahhhh. They could jolly well grow their own food! Wasn't even that hard - and besides, it's not like they didn't help themselves every so often. Chasing off pesky emperor crows and floresce just waiting to take a nibble out of her carrots had become so routine it was now boring. And Rico LOVED chasing daydreams!!
308 deviations
[Stygians] Salting the Earth Doesn't Always Work
[QUEST: G-006
WORDS: 1,003]
What a wonderful day to do literally anything else than garden! While Rico adored every aspect of the Fishbowl and how it twisted nature into new and improved shapes, she couldn't say hoof on heart that the tide pools were her favorite place to be. I mean, they existed. And you could grow stuff in them. Very boring stuff most of the time, though, unless there was something exciting going on like the potential erasure of yourself across the multiverse. Sigh.
As the queen of the Fishbowl, DJ Ricochet was first and foremost loyal to her citizens (better known as every single daydream that wandered in and got adopted by her). Their crops, however? Nahhhh. They could jolly well grow their own food! Wasn't even that hard - and besides, it's not like they didn't help themselves every so often. Chasing off pesky emperor crows and floresce just waiting to take a nibble out of her carrots had become so routine it was now boring. And Rico LOVED chasing daydreams!!
308 deviations
[Stygians] Salting the Earth Doesn't Always Work
[QUEST: G-006
WORDS: 1,003]
What a wonderful day to do literally anything else than garden! While Rico adored every aspect of the Fishbowl and how it twisted nature into new and improved shapes, she couldn't say hoof on heart that the tide pools were her favorite place to be. I mean, they existed. And you could grow stuff in them. Very boring stuff most of the time, though, unless there was something exciting going on like the potential erasure of yourself across the multiverse. Sigh.
As the queen of the Fishbowl, DJ Ricochet was first and foremost loyal to her citizens (better known as every single daydream that wandered in and got adopted by her). Their crops, however? Nahhhh. They could jolly well grow their own food! Wasn't even that hard - and besides, it's not like they didn't help themselves every so often. Chasing off pesky emperor crows and floresce just waiting to take a nibble out of her carrots had become so routine it was now boring. And Rico LOVED chasing daydreams!!
you're a styggie
146 deviations
{YVVO} Love Is Letting Go
“Zem luna, teim luna.”
“Zem Luna, ve teim a.”
The last passenger has disembarked. Though the ferryman waves farewell, they are already gone. As he glides down the river the only thing rising to greet him is his shimmering reflection. Skimming past perilous reefs, snatched from the gnashing jaws of death with just a touch - is he alone? He can count the Yevatem who hailed him down today on one hand. He does not blame them. Few teskavtlejem dare travel the selerved this way. On a craft so light, down a route so precarious, and with naught but a single guide? Who would go on such a ratetvoitlej voyage? Who, indeed?
But there are always those who will need the ferryman. They must go on, they must. The hasty, the desperate, and the dubious who it is best not to question. And a smiling ferryman is better than going alone. For only the ferryman knows the way of the selerved, and there are plenty of ways an unsuspecting traveller might sink into the embrace of Ai Matia, as the
Yevat + World of YVVO
32 deviations
(Katragoons) SHARK!!!
What a lovely day for a swim.
That’s right, it’s summertime!! And you know what that means!!! Sun’s out, fun’s out, and what better way to laze away a hot summer day than spending it at the beach? Fun fun fun for everyone! Ahhhh… Who doesn’t miss summer spent in a haze of nostalgia? Those long-forgotten days. Especially beach days - when we remember them, the sand turns to gold and the sea to utter paradise. Above the shouts of children hopping over scorching dunes and volleyballs fwooshing through the air, the jingle of ice cream is played with delicious cold treats for all. Much splashing, much slapping of water, plunging your head below glittering turquoise waves to hear the muffled roar of the ocean’s call. Sandcastles are built and destroyed. Coconuts fall with pleasing thunks as tropical fronds wave. Pale skin burns to lobster red, darker to nut brown before deepening into teak and mahogany under the sun. What more could anybody’s hearts desire?
Of course, this means it’s the
Casual Kat Fun
2 deviations
Sugar Glider
Few and far between were those who aspired to the lofty heights of Azazel. Indeed, not even the Dollies blessed with wings to be swooped, dived and plucked dared to face that same dizzying drop. He kept the Kivouack enamoured with gravity; his mere existence danced upon a tightrope, Lockettian chains jingling as they tugged and teased his plush hips this way and that, that way and this. Azazel drank deeply of vertigo whenever he embraced humiliation draped in silks. His entire career revolved around how he rose to the delight of all - ah, but also if and when he would fall, and the glee of ravenous spectators to watch that fall tear his soft body apart. But it never had. (Yet.) That was a privilege reserved for the elite: the prize of unravelling a delectable mystery of a Dollie until his pieces could be captured and claimed midair.
Azazel ruled the roost in his Dollhouse when the purple phase gave him up, exposing his tenderness to a crowd whose whispers were barely quelled by
3 deviations
[TWWM] Their Name Was Natalia
“And it’s been two years
I miss my home
But there’s a fire burning in my bones
Still believe
Yeah I still believe…”
It has indeed been two years, Eos. Where have you been?
O little friend of the forest, do you remember who you are? Do you recall what you’ve given and taken so far? Do you still hear the mountains crying out for you in your daydreams? Ehhhh. Memory is a fickle, fragile thing; Eos’ perception of it was nebulous at best. They do say ignorance is bliss, you know. But this wasn’t something they could simply ignore - though a childlike spirit they did possess, theirs was a bright and inquisitive soul. (A bit too inquisitive for certain others’ liking…) For such a cute squishy green bean Eos was extraordinarily self-aware. They remembered everything from their very first sunrise. Oh believe me, they remembered. What a journey these past few years had been! Yet they wouldn’t change a thing about it. After all, if they could and did they wouldn’t have made all their new
Eos' Story
8 deviations