Deviation Actions
The corpse of this superspecies species was discovered in the Arctic Ocean. Based on the remaining section of her body, only the head and the upper chest were secured, Monarch designated the creature as Margygr, and kept as a research subject in the Outpost 54, Castle Bravo.
Monarch designated the creature as Titanus margygr, named after a species of dubious Greenlandish mermaid and raised the superspecies status as a Titan. The reason regarded her remarkable size that out-competed the largest mammal extant, a thirty-five-meter blue whale, Balaenoptera musculus. Her flat, almost humanoid face also inspired the designation. However, Monarch predicted a more streamline, marine mammal profile than a mermaid one. Based on the orientation of the scales aligned from below her head to where the body was cut off, an array of organs that supposed to be gill slits connecting to the blowholes located above the eyes and the fact that her sightings never left the Arctic ice sheet suggested her aquatic life needed aids on cutting through ice in constant propelling.
In this sense, an overall orca-like profile was taken by Monarch paleontologist in the re-imagination. A pair of large pectoral flippers with potential digits presented would help her stabilize in the current. The back was aligned with five rows of blade-like scales, each with jagged cutting edge, which three of the five have an enlargement just behind the neck, shaped like the pointy dorsal fins. The Titan shall saw through the ice sheet no matter how sturdy and tense it is. Horizontal flukes should be with the Titan, but Monarch did not defy the possibility of her swimming side-to-side undulation.
The color pigment was probably washed out on her head, while the torn flesh was kept preserved in the freezing Arctic water. Monarch depicted that Margygr would be dark-brown in color so that not only could she absorb the radiation from the Earth’s core, but also from the Sun. The Arctic is one of the regions where the solar wind hit the strongest on Earth, reflecting the high abundance of solar radiation. Even though the area was known with scarce food and be a possible fiercely competitive environment between Titan species, Margygr should fit well in the niche she belonged to.
This Titan was expected to be a great swimmer and an ice breaker, given remarkable specialized dorsal fins. The skull of the Titan was bulbous but robust, toughened to withstand shocks and impacts. The dental linings of the maw were fused into upper and lower parts, providing a cutting edge to slice through potential preys and obstacles.
The respiratory system of the Titan is thought to be a dual system, consisting of both the utilization of the gills and the lungs, similar to Godzilla, Monarch’s main studying specimen of the Titanus gojira.
Low frequency soundwaves and clicks were recorded in the times of the Cold War by the cruising vessels from both Superpowers. Since there were no any reports on regular Titan activities in that Arctic area, Monarch assumed those were emitted by Margygr. No matter the reason behind, the call was plausible to make the Titan giving her life away.
The Titan may charge up from both the extraterrestrial radiation and those of the Hollow Earth Energy. It was unknown whether she would harness such power in any ways.
The corpse of Margygr was discovered in 2017, suspended in the waters of the Northwestern Passages near Canada. As described only the head and the upper chest of the Titan was found, where the fluid within was lost given an unidentified duration of drifting. Some tissue such as the gills, eyes and the wall of the blowholes were taken with trace of feeding from other organisms in the area.
The being who hunted down Margygr should have known that she was a reservoir of immense radiation and energy. From how she was being torn, the force applied overcame the strength of the thick hide and armor.
For some reason, Margygr feels like the creature that inspired the Ningen