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Location Alpha Quadrant
Built to act as a mobile platform to extensive construction-, repair-, and maintenance efforts, the Youphes Class fills the role of a crucial component of Starfleet's infrastructure. Working tirelessly on deployments throughout Federation space, vessels of this class allow for the continued growth and operation of sensor webs, communications networks, observation posts, and data relays. Their importance to the continued existence of both Starfleet and the Federation cannot be denied, despite them seldom taking the spotlight.
General Information
The Youphes Class is designed as a utility carrier, fielding a large complement of shuttles, pods, worker-bees, and utility drones. To accommodate all of these, the vessel carries two large hangar bays connected to its secondary hull as well as a large saucer section dedicated to industrial production and workshops. Specialized drones and construction modules are also attached to the external hull on two sets of docking-ports along its spine.
Despite not being intended for long-term assignments or journeys into unknown space, the vessel carries facilities and supplies for prolonged periods of uninterrupted work. While not luxurious by any means, the vessel provides decent recreational options and quarters for the crew, making long work assignments in remote parts of Federation space bearable.
Mission Profile
In most cases, Youphes-Class vessels are assigned to a specific sector and use the local starbase as their base of operations. They'll typically be assigned individually to construction- and repair projects. Maintenance must be regularly performed on all Starfleet facilities and is often conducted by Youphes-Class vessels slowly following chains of relays and buoys, one at a time. On these occasions, the ships also relieve stationed personnel at these locations and bring the newly assigned crew with them.
Because of this, vessels of the Youphes Class and similar types are often the first stays for station-crews before they are brought to the nearest proper base.
Class History
The Youphes Class is the latest iteration in a long line of similar designs, reaching back to the early days of Starfleet. Since humanity ventured first into space, it had to maintain a growing infrastructure of satellites, relays, and stations. Since those early days, the mission of such vessels has not significantly changed. Though the scale of their operations has become much larger and the systems more advanced, crews aboard the Youphes Class still perform the same duties as generations of engineers and technicians before them.
Star Trek Eclipse - Star Trek fan art.
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General Information
The Youphes Class is designed as a utility carrier, fielding a large complement of shuttles, pods, worker-bees, and utility drones. To accommodate all of these, the vessel carries two large hangar bays connected to its secondary hull as well as a large saucer section dedicated to industrial production and workshops. Specialized drones and construction modules are also attached to the external hull on two sets of docking-ports along its spine.
Despite not being intended for long-term assignments or journeys into unknown space, the vessel carries facilities and supplies for prolonged periods of uninterrupted work. While not luxurious by any means, the vessel provides decent recreational options and quarters for the crew, making long work assignments in remote parts of Federation space bearable.
Mission Profile
In most cases, Youphes-Class vessels are assigned to a specific sector and use the local starbase as their base of operations. They'll typically be assigned individually to construction- and repair projects. Maintenance must be regularly performed on all Starfleet facilities and is often conducted by Youphes-Class vessels slowly following chains of relays and buoys, one at a time. On these occasions, the ships also relieve stationed personnel at these locations and bring the newly assigned crew with them.
Because of this, vessels of the Youphes Class and similar types are often the first stays for station-crews before they are brought to the nearest proper base.
Class History
The Youphes Class is the latest iteration in a long line of similar designs, reaching back to the early days of Starfleet. Since humanity ventured first into space, it had to maintain a growing infrastructure of satellites, relays, and stations. Since those early days, the mission of such vessels has not significantly changed. Though the scale of their operations has become much larger and the systems more advanced, crews aboard the Youphes Class still perform the same duties as generations of engineers and technicians before them.
Star Trek Eclipse - Star Trek fan art.
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Image size
2218x2126px 1.71 MB
© 2020 - 2025 Martechi
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It looks like a brick. I love it.
It makes me think of a giant toolbox, which is perfect for its role.