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Taiwan is 8 years and 1 month old and weighs 5.9 kg and is 65 cm tall. He wears an orange gap tracksuit and red and white sneakers, he also wears white gloves. Taiwan can fly at 40 miles per hour on his personal jetpack on his jet and run at 20 mph, While flying Taiwan can carry Tynan's weight while it is dangling but he can't lift him or carry him conventionally. Taiwan can lift 5kg with strain, but the optimum strenth of characters is x times greater than Taiwan's straining strength with . The straining point is has not been mentioned
Brooklyn is 8 years and 8 months old and weighs 7.1 kg and is 70 cm tall. She wears a cream coloured sweater and wears crimson coloured pants and amber sneakers with orange and turquoise accents and white soles, she also wears white gloves. Brooklyn can run at 18 mph. She is 2.4 times stronger than Taiwan and almost as strong as Tynan.
Tynan is 10 years and 2 months old and weighs 7.9 kg and is 79 cm tall. He wears a blue gap tracksuit and red sneakers with white stripes. He also wears white gloves. Tynan is the fastest, running at 45 mph. He is slightly stronger than Brooklyn by only 16.7%.
Tamera is 10 years and 8 months old and weighs 9.6 kg and is 79 cm tall. She wears a pink gap tracksuit and rose boots with white stripes from the centre. She also wears white gloves and occasionally wears golden bracelets. Tamera can run at 25 mph. She is exactly 4 times stronger than Brooklyn and almost 4 times stronger than Tynan and 9.6 times stronger than Taiwan.
Kareem is 10 years and 10 months old and weighs 13.6 kg and is 88 cm tall, His weight is due to the muscle mass, his strength rivals that of Tom Stoltman . He wears a red gap tracksuit and red sneakers with yellow stripes, green cuffs and white soles. He also wears white boxing gloves with wolverine claws lodged on them. Kareem can run at 30 mph. He is by far the strongest character on list let alone between him and Tynan, Tynan is faster but Kareem is 24.9 times stronger than Tynan, because he is also small, he is also very compact. Tynan is fast but weak, Kareem is both fast and strong.
Arianna is 11 years and 4 months old and weighs 16 kg and is 105 cm tall. She is the cousin of Taiwan, Brooklyn, Tynan, Tamera and Kareem who are siblings. She wears a red sweater and blue jean shorts, and white trainers.. She is 2.8 times stronger than Tynan and 8 times stronger than Taiwan and 16.7% weaker than Tamera, leaving Kareem's strength unparalleled