I might move completely from DA...
I really tried to give them another chance, I tried to adapt to the new system either being layout or what not, even fragments, I tried... I really did since I kept uploading some finished pieces into here. But... it has been so long, I'm not "growing", there are not really interests at all from watchers (most of them probably are gone by now) and the few ones are just like me, jumping through there and now, checking this place for compromise more than love...
I understand big accounts have it easier, have it better, but as a small one... is demotivating, faves are great, but no one comments anymore, not even to say "hi".
I have around 2,530 fragments, can't give to my friends anymore (the ones i gave before this year) because new rules: you can only gift 1 diamond to the same deviant per year, great... *sarcasm* I understand this place requires a web hosting that is paid. Good, I have been wanting to get core using paypal and even that option is