Hello! I have not been active on this website for quite some time now, i've moved over to posting my artwork through instagram, and i realized i forgot to leave a link to it here, So if you like my work and are interested in seeing more; you can follow me there: https://www.instagram.com/inviell/
Make the best use of your life right now, because the present is what your whole life is made up of. The entire series of mundane days, weeks, and years ahead of you, are only a mirage, blinding you from the potential that is right here in this momen...
Hello I appreciate the favs. Jean-Francois. If you have Facebook, please do consider supporting me with a 'like' to my page, with which I may reach more people. Have a great day and thanks for your time Please accept my apologies if an invitation has already been extended to you in the past
I've been thinking that over a lot myself: is the social media "work" really worth the effort? For myself, about 90% of financial profits gained came from people met over facebook; one person had long watched my DA page but actually created a facebook account just to meet me on the very day I made the page... and he was very generous indeed.
I've heard Instagram is even better for its stronger image focus, but it's much faster and easier with a smartphone. So I'm yet to expand there too.
I made a new DA to go along with our new weekly projects; needed a fresh slate. I can't wait to continue on this creative journey of self discovery with you!♥