GLASS Hero VS Villain contestMarie-Ortie on DeviantArt

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GLASS Hero VS Villain contest



Isabel Elder


"Ink Stain" 

Isabel is 25 and lives alone. She is very discrete when she goes out, and always hide her hands, avoiding physical and eye contact. She seems tired and sometimes in pain. That’s because Isabel has depression since she was 13.

For most people, it’s a weakness, but after a failed suicidal attempt at 15, her power woke up : she could transmit her sadness and loss of will to live to other people. Not for a very long time, but long enough for her to do whatever she wants. And what she wants to do is to help people. Not because she’s particularly good, but because it keeps her distracted her from her negatives thoughts, and makes her feel like she has a goal. The hardest thing is to not get attracted to the easiest thing : using her power to do bad things.

Her weakness is alcohol. If she drinks even one drop of it, she literally falls on the ground and can’t move. She always asks if a plate has been cooked with alcohol in restaurant or when she eats at someone else’s places, justifying it by an allergy.

She wasn’t bullied as a kid, she had good grades, friends, loving parents, but still she has depression, and there’s no reason for it besides her brain. Which makes her past seems colorless to her. She wasn’t always sad, she was just not happy at all. And the accumulation of grey days for two years led her to the event that woke up her power.

Her nickname comes from the way black ink spreads in water, darkening everything like her power does.

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2000x3477px 12.26 MB
© 2019 - 2025 Marie-Ortie
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CallingAllSinners's avatar
What a great twist on a terrible affliction ◝( ′ㅂ`)و ̑̑
Also, love your art style and the character design. Best of luck in the contest!