Tutorial: Puffy Hand PawsMaria-M--aka--Bakura on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/maria-m--aka--bakura/art/Tutorial-Puffy-Hand-Paws-745484264Maria-M--aka--Bakura

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Maria-M--aka--Bakura's avatar

Tutorial: Puffy Hand Paws



How to make puffy hand paws for fursuits

Tutorial here: www.youtube.com/watch?v=1E0HYd…

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The more pledges, the more videos I'm able to make, every bit counts :)

👉EMAIL: mugiwaracosplay@hotmail.com
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👉COSPLAY WEBSITE: mcosplay.mcreativecorner.com/
👉FURSUIT WEBSITE: mcreativecorner.com/

Patterns/templates become available by becoming a patron with the reward "Templates" ,you get access to 2 templates per month and 1 will be switched with a new per month. Or the reward "All templates" which give access to all templates I've made


Materials used:

- Fake Fur
- Vinyl
- Bias binding/strip
- Thread
- Stuffing
- Fabric for lining


- Scissor
- Pen
- Sewing maschine
- Clipper (I use an Oster with the blades 7F and 9F)
- Needle
- Pin needle

Q and A:

Q: Where do you get your claws?
A: From FURRISTA on Etsy.

Q: Where do you get your fur and vinyl?
A: Fabric.com and mendels.com

Q: Do you do commissions?
A: Yes. My website: mcreativecorner.com/
Image size
1500x1002px 436.05 KB
© 2018 - 2025 Maria-M--aka--Bakura
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Gamerz31w's avatar
Anyway Bubsy had in 90's tv cartoon,but only pilot episode due to cartoon failure.
www.youtube.com/watch?v=w3nNAY… here's a proof.