Howlwolf  's packsmarbowsta on DeviantArt

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marbowsta's avatar

Howlwolf 's packs



So this is the picture of howlwolf 's packs what you see here is howlwolf family. So the one who right next to howlwolf is her mother name

lily those two wolf pup are her cousin their name are leo and madison. And the wolf who has the mark on her chest and right next to lily 

is her aunt name wallflower those other wolf are wallflower brothers their names are zak and alex and their uncles of leo and madison 

and last but not least lily brother slush husband of wallflower and uncle of howlwolf geff he the leader of the wolf pack. When howlwolf 

was a little wolf pup she use to be with her mother then a human man show up and tries to shoot them so they ran somewhere far away  

from those human but sadly a thunder blast to the tree and fell into the ground howlwolf mother was so sad and surprise that she doesn't 

know what to do so they went that way. When howlwolf and her mother started to run that way they didn't know that there a river that 

heading to the waterfall when they try to go back the humans were coming after them so they no choice but to jump when they fell into 

the river but sadly they got separated from two sides of the river. When howlwolf made it on land she was so sad that she not with her 

mother but after 12 years howlwolf doesn't remember her mother anymore when she became the edenian wolf. Hope you love it.

Base by:YoFreshBean
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