maraqua90210's avatar


34 Watchers315 Deviations

#bodypositive by maraqua90210, literature

Forgive by maraqua90210, literature

A Kiss In The Dark by maraqua90210, literature

Just For A Moment by maraqua90210, literature

Something So Much More by maraqua90210, literature

Strong by maraqua90210, literature

Reach Out A Hand by maraqua90210, literature

Said vs. Thought by maraqua90210, literature

Friendship by maraqua90210, literature

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#bodypositive by maraqua90210, literature

Forgive by maraqua90210, literature

A Kiss In The Dark by maraqua90210, literature

Just For A Moment by maraqua90210, literature

Something So Much More by maraqua90210, literature

Strong by maraqua90210, literature

Reach Out A Hand by maraqua90210, literature

Wings To Fly by maraqua90210, literature

Never See Me Cry by maraqua90210, literature

Runnin' From You by maraqua90210, literature

Deviation Spotlight

Save Me by maraqua90210, literature

Artist // Hobbyist // Varied
  • Dec 29
  • United States
  • Deviant for 15 years
  • She / Her
Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (106)
My Bio

I'm Mara. At least, that's who I'm known as in cyberspace, and it's who I'd like to be known as in the world of novelists. I'm not anyone special. I come from a family of ordenary people and a life of ordenary dilemas. My friends are just ordenary teenagers and my town is just an ordenary, simple little place in the middle of nowhere.

My main focus is on writing. One day, I would love my name to be known. Well, not my real name, but my pseudonym, Mara Marine. I mostly put up poetry on here, and am currently writing a story, "Endless Night." Currently, I'm at a standstill on it, a little too busy to work on an actual story, and not really sure where to go with it. I realized I didn't really have a plan for it, so I'm going to get that sorted out first, but I will be coming back to it.

I love photography. When I was younger, I went through a phase where I wanted to be a photographer. That was before I found my passion for writing. I still take pictures, but I'm definantely still just an amature. Most of the pictures I take are of me and/or my friends, or things I'd like to paint.

Painting is another hobby of mine. I mainly work in acrylics, but I'm starting to explore water color a bit. I'm not the kind of person who can dream up a picture and make it happen. I get ideas for pictures, but I always need a source. If I try to just draw it and paint it, it would turn out to be blob!

I like to do a little with graphic designing and such, but I'm not very good and know very little about that area of the art world... Mainly, what I do with that is just mess around on the programs I do have or the internet sources I have access to and if what comes out of it looks good, I might put it up here or just save it to my computer.

Like I said, though, my main focus is on writing. It's not just an art or a hobby, it's a way to express myself and get things off my mind. My poems are mostly written in the moment and about whatevers going on in my life and my feelings toward it. Occasionaly I'll write something that's not really about anything, or about something mentioned in class or in a converrsation of people passing by. That might have sounded creepy... I don't intentionally evesdrop, I just overhear a lot... Sometimes I really wish I didn't... I tend to get to knowing too much about what's going on around me... Which is a little ironic because I avoid watching the news and have no idea what's going on in the world and other countries unless someone tells me about it...

On deviantart, I have three friends that I actually know in real life, one I met over the internet and have known for... three years I think... And I watch a ton of amazingly talented people! Some of which have watched me in return, or watched me first. There are also many other people here on DA who are simply amazing! Ever since joining, I've been amazed by the people I meet here, even if I only talk to them one time. Before, I wouldn't have believed you could meet such kind, amazing, talented people over the internet. I'll never doubt that, now, though. It's true that the internet is a whole new world, but it's not much different than the one we live in. It has it's dark side, but it also has the brightest, sunniest places you could ever imagine! maraqua90210

Neo: maraqua90210 ; dominoes_sugar ; ashleylele

If you like my writing, please support me on Tallenge!

Favourite genre of music: Country
Favourite style of art: Photography/Acrylic Painting

Favourite TV Shows
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Rascal Flatts
Favourite Books
The Host
Favourite Writers
Eoin Colfer
Favourite Games
Kingdom Hearts
Favourite Gaming Platform
Playstation (Two, I don't have three....)
Tools of the Trade
Pencile, paper, eraser, and the occasional paintbrush
Other Interests
Reading; painting; writing; drawing; volleyball; video games (XP); roleplaying; hanging with friends
I drop :iconNijaChan: off at work, like I always do, and notice my car is running on empty. So I stop at the gas station to fill up. I'm not sure if I have enough money to fill up completely, so I decide to go with half a tank.As I'm putting the nozzle back and twisting the gas cap back on, the lady in the car next to me asks how much my gas was, so I told her around 17 dollars. She asks if I already paid with a card, and I tell her yes. Then she asks if I filled up all the way, and I tell her no, I just filled it half. So she tells me to fill it the rest of the way and she'll pay for the rest of my gas, just tell her how much the new tota...
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I'm done! I am so done with it all!!!!! I hate this soooo much! Why can't she just accept my choice and move on? My stupid parents have been drilling me for months about college! I make one decision, but it's never good enough! One of them always has something to say about it! Now I've finally sat down and thought through my options logically and came up with a decision that would benefit me the most in the long run, but it's not good enough for my stupid, over bearing, clingy mother!!!! She claims I haven't thought about it seriously! Then she says, oh no, I've thought about it seriously, but I haven't thought about staying with her serio...
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I was filing report cards during my second period class today (I have office aid) and one of the kids' last names was Fenton! (this was for the Junior High, so I don't know the person, and no, his first name was not Danny, sadly...) Anyways, yeah... That's my little Phandom tidbit of the day! Other than that, I'm sick again... :(
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ChitaNoYume's avatar
Thanks for the raves
AleDiri's avatar
thanks for the fav on my jellal and erza photo XD
Mystchiief's avatar
:iconsnugplz: Thank you so much for the fave!
CheekyBird's avatar
:iconyea-plz: thanks for the :+fav:
anipo1's avatar
Thanks for the fave :)
maraqua90210's avatar
You are very welcome ^^
Gabils's avatar
thanks for the fave ;D